Being Organized Is About Being Consistent

When most people think about getting organized, they often picture immaculate Pinterest-worthy spaces with matching bins, perfectly labeled jars, and clothes organized by color. While this can look impressive and might work for some, the truth is that being organized isn’t about how many bins you own or how sleek your storage looks. It’s much simpler and more practical than that.

Organization is about knowing where things are and having a system that works for your lifestyle. As a professional organizer, I work with you to learn how you use your space, work, and live. Organization isn’t the same for everyone, some people have specific preferences, mobility restrictions, or a condition such as ADHD to consider when creating a system. The key is to have what makes sense for your space and needs. That may mean buying products that match your style and decor or using what you already have available. 

As with almost everything in our lives, occasional maintenance is required to maintain organization. Establishing a routine of regularly sorting and only keeping items you use is essential to maintaining any organized space. Remember to put periodically things back where they belong so the clutter doesn’t creep back in. Organization is a process, not a one-time event. It requires making decisions about what you need, where to put it, and most importantly, committing to keeping things in their place.

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