Summertime Organizing

Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean you can’t work on decluttering and organizing. While the sun may be blazing outside, spending some time indoors in the comfort of air conditioning or the basement can be the perfect opportunity to streamline your living space. On a cooler day, the garage might be a good place to tackle. Here’s how you can make the most of your summer decluttering efforts.

Targeted Areas 

Consider these specific areas for summer decluttering:

  • Summer Wardrobe: Sort through summer clothes, including hats, sunglasses, and seasonal accessories. Donate items that no longer fit or you haven’t worn in the past year.
  • Outdoor Gear: Evaluate your patio furniture, inflatable pools, and sports equipment. Dispose of items that are damaged beyond repair or no longer bring you joy.
  • Beach and Pool Gear: Check your collection of beach towels, pool toys, and related items. Replace worn-out or moldy items to maintain cleanliness and minimize storage clutter.
  • Grilling and Party Supplies: Streamline your collection of grilling tools, outdoor dining sets, and party decorations. Keep what you regularly use and donate or discard items that are redundant or worn out.

2. Keep a Giveaway/Donate Box Handy

Make it a habit to continually add to a giveaway or donate box as you come across items that no longer serve you. You might find items when you are packing for a trip or getting a guest room ready. Whether it’s old clothes or linens having a designated box makes decluttering an ongoing process rather than a seasonal chore.

3. Involve Children in Decluttering

If you have kids, involve them in the decluttering process. It’s a valuable opportunity for them to learn about organizing and the importance of letting go of items they no longer use or need. Encourage them to donate toys they’ve outgrown or clothes that no longer fit.

4. Regular Reassessment and Decluttering

To prevent clutter from accumulating, schedule regular mini-decluttering sessions throughout the year. Once a month, take a walk through different zones of your home and reassess items. Adopt a one-in, one-out policy for high-clutter areas like clothing and toys to ensure your efforts are sustained.

Summer is not just a time for outdoor fun; it’s also an ideal season to refresh and organize your living space. By dedicating some time to decluttering this summer, you can create a more spacious, organized, and enjoyable home environment. Involve your family, adopt mindful habits, and focus on areas that will simplify your life. Embrace the process and enjoy the benefits of a clutter-free home!